What Are the Benefits of an Insulated Entry Door? Insights from a Door Replacement Company in Wind Point, Wisconsin

What Are the Benefits of an Insulated Entry Door? Insights from a Door Replacement Company in Wind Point, Wisconsin

Are you thinking about investing in a new entry door for your home in Wind Point, Wisconsin? If so, one factor you shouldn’t ignore is the door's insulation. After all, a well-insulated entry door can make a big difference in the comfort and efficiency of your home. Below, this door replacement company in Wind Point, Wisconsin is going to explain just how important a well-insulated door can be for your home.

The Link Between Your Entry Door and Home’s Efficiency

Your entry door is more than an entrance and does more than change your home's appearance. It can have a big impact on your home's energy efficiency. For example, if your entry door is poorly insulated, you could be losing a lot of heat through it — even more so than uninsulated walls. In fact, air leaks from the entry door can account for up to 20% of heat loss in a typical home. And if your door is letting heat escape, you are probably overspending on your heating bills, too. 

The concept of energy efficiency revolves around using less energy to do the same task — and it is crucial not only for your wallet but also for our planet. In a world where 20% of the population consumes 80% of the world's resources, every little bit we save counts. So, by improving your home's energy efficiency, you also help save natural resources and reduce pollution.

What Can an Insulated Entry Door Do?

When you buy a new, insulated entry door from a trusted door replacement company in Wind Point, Wisconsin, you will see some noticeable benefits immediately. For one, good insulation keeps your home at a consistent and comfortable temperature throughout the year. This means you don't have to rely on heating or cooling as much, and this leads to lower energy use and lower heating costs.

Wisconsin's cold winters are no joke, but a well-insulated entry door can help keep the cold drafts out, keeping your home's atmosphere warm and comfortable. Insulated entry doors also help keep outside noise down, so it is always quieter inside your home.

And because they lower your energy use, insulated entry doors are always an environmentally friendly option. Most heating systems use natural resources like gas, oil, or coal. Lowering your energy use means less reliance on these resources, which in turn means fewer emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

On top of everything, insulated doors can increase your home's market value since buyers love energy-efficient homes. So, while you enjoy the immediate benefits of more comfort and lower bills, you also add value to your home in the long term.

Finding the Right Insulated Door

When buying an entry door from a door replacement company in Wind Point, Wisconsin, how do you check how good its insulation is? Well, that would depend on a few factors — like the door's material, thickness, profile, and sealing.

For example, doors made from materials like REHAU's RAU-FIPRO (used in WASCO's GENEO series) offer better insulation than ever before. These doors are designed to meet strict energy efficiency guidelines like (the U.S. Department of Energy's R-5 Window program and the German Passivhaus standards), so you know they are good at minimizing heat loss.

Proper installation is just as important. Poor installation can lead to even the best-insulated doors failing to be efficient. You need a professional door replacement company in Wind Point, Wisconsin for dependable installation — someone who can make sure there are no gaps or leaks that could compromise the door's insulation.

Looking for a Door Replacement Company in Wind Point, Wisconsin?

Are you ready to invest in new high-quality entry doors for your home? If so, and if you're looking for the best door replacement company in Wind Point, Wisconsin, look no further than our team at WASCO Windows. Contact us today to begin the process.

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